This economic system has leaks everywhere and we would have to stop trying to re-float it. It can continue some more kilometres to the drift, but sooner or later it will sink. The individual progress at the cost of the group does not have a future; the life on its own and the laws of nature are showing it. Whatever is not sustainable, sinks, and the keys of this sustainability are preservation of nature and priority of the collective benefit.
In this system that is starting to sink, we have the right to ask for food and shelter and for continuing in the same consumption lifestyle, however we can not expect it to do it for long time because it will end up breaking down and our society with it. It is easy to ask to not be fired but we doubt is time for that. We think that we most probably should start using our imagination in order to visualize other productive activities, another city, another land and start building it!
First of all, let's clarify what is and what is not in crisis.
The compatibility between the capital gained, accumulation of capital and speculation from the rich side versus consumption with economic and social rights, from the population side, it's over!That was only possible when with the future income, the past expenses were paid, meaning, only through a growth that can not continue.
Now, everything is about maintaining the capitalist benefits for a few people or getting back a worthy life for everyone. Both things at the same time are not possible because they were the result of a prevarication. A lie of a growth based on credit an spoliation of nature.
Right now we know that we can not solve a problem with the same way of thinking that has created it. Then, the solution is to think in a new way, isn't it? So, let's go:
From now on we proclaim our revolt to the old world, we declare sunk the civilization of the unused private property. Due to the fact the states insist in perpetuate this non-viable model, the declarators will revoke the sovereignty deposited given to them by us.And so, we will inaugurate a new civilization of necessities and the right to use. Everyone will have the right to use everything needed, when not being used by anyone. Everyone will be proprietor of what they use and if several people use it, it will become a communal property. The knowledge will be released and everyone will be able to enjoy them.
Fields without being cultivated, empty flats, non-resident houses, abandoned objects, food thrown away, bad used energy, cars with a single occupant, towns to repopulate, deprived culture of freedom. They are all seeds on top of which a new economy for a new world can be built. A world in which we have a lot of things to do.
We will finish with the large estates, we will rehabilitate houses, seed the land and we look after the forests. We will share the tools, release the knowledge, auto produce the energy, distribute what is basic. We will look after the weak, exchange time, we will give smiles.
From popular self-management we will built the total occupation.
Together we will share our knowledge and we will learn again. We will enjoy the pleasure to share, to relate and to love each other. We will recuperate the lost feeling of knowing how to live that the touch of the credit cards have taken away.
This is not a crazy peoples thought. In reality, we do not affirm anything different than the American natives did. (yes, those wants from which we snatched their mother earth more than 500 years ago.):
Extract of ‘Llamamiento desde los Pueblos Indígenas frente a la Crisis de Civilización Occidental Capitalista’(Call from the Indigenous Towns against the Crisis of the Western Civilization Capitalist).
“Urgen nuevos paradigmas de convivencia y en ese contexto, no sólo "otros mundos son posibles", sino que son urgentes, y además, están siendo ya construidos desde las primeras víctimas de las formas más bárbaras de la violencia capitalista/colonial/moderna y contemporánea: los Pueblos y Comunidades Indígenas, Originarios, Campesinos, Ribereños, Quilombolas, Afrodescendientes, Garífunas, Caboclos, Dalits, entre otros; y sus hijos que migraron a las barriadas/fabelas pobres de las ciudades; y todos los demás excluidos, invisibles e "intocables" del planeta; quienes seguimos resistiendo, fortaleciendo y actualizando formas alternativas de organización social, tecnológica, ética, política, económica, cultural y espiritual de la existencia humana.”
With this alive inspiration, it occupies us the not postponed task of building, here and now, a new way of own life of the several western countries, with new values, new institutions and new illusions. This instituting process does not begin now but ,with this publication we want to encourage it so it culminates with the constitution, on part of a large number of people, of a new way of organizing ourselves in society.
This is NOT an attack against someone.
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